Privacy Policy Agreement

The Korea Rice Foodstuffs Association may collect and use personal information, in the purpose of registration and the follow-up service.

- Purpose : We use information to provide information about 'Rice Show 2020' and follow up services such as Business Matching Service, etc. 

- Information referred as : Nationality, Company, Name, Job Position, Contact Number, E-mail, Company Website, Log-in ID, etc.

- Collection method : Online Registration


Retaining Period & Usage of Information : We use the information for registration record-keeping, business matching service, and other business advertising purposes. All the information shall be destroyed or terminated after 5 years.

You may choose to disagree on the terms above, but that would lead to failure to proceed for exhibitor inquiries.​

Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party for Consignment Purposes

■ ONU Corp. : Consigned SMS, Notification Message Service


I. The company may use the personal information within the restricted purposes written in Privacy Policy Agreement, and shall not use the personal information for other purposes without the consent of users, except for the following circumstances.

① Users who consented with the terms of Information Disclosure or Provision of Personal Information to third party.

② In accordance with the provisions of the law, or at the request of investigators and supervisory authorities in accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by the law for the purpose of investigation.

II. The company may have the right to consign personal information to a third party in accordance with performing better service.

III. Consigning information shall be limited to minimum required to perform the service.

IV. Compliance with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of provision to a third party, liability in case of accidents, consignment period, processing, after termination so that personal information shall be safely managed in consignment contracts in accordance with related laws. We regulate the obligation to return or destroy personal information, and manage to comply with it.

V. The collected information may be provided to the Association of Korea Exhibition Industry (AKEI) as part of the international exhibition certification system operated by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the provided information is not used for purposes other than exhibition verification.