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YoriGungri Bibim Cup Cheese Tteobokki

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Product size Contact Seller
Weight 145g
Retail Price 3,500 KRW
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Expiration date 12 months

Allergic Information Contains Milk, Soy, Wheat
Preservation method Store at room temperature/store in a cool place out of direct sunlight

Product description The only special 5-hole technology in Korea that has been researched and developed allows you to taste the flavor of rice cake made of 99% rice
The special blend of ingredients allows you to taste the flavor of the sauce that is doubly distributed as the seasoning permeates the surface of the rice cake and the 5 holes

Raw material Tteokbokki 82.8% : Rice 99% (foreign), refined salt, liquor, chicory dietary fiber, grains
(100% rice), citric acid, bibim cheese tteokbokki powder 17. 2% : Cheese mixed powder [palm hydrogenated oil (foreign countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, etc.), natural cheese (pasteurized oil, salt, curdling enzyme, starter, calcium chloride) (50% from USA, 50% from Australia), water pearl, lactose (USA), sodium caseinate, refined salt, potassium zeinate], purified white sugar, whey powder (foreign countries: Chile, Finland, USA, etc.), Maltodextrin powder, Powdered milk cream [milk cream (Australia), lactose (USA), sodium caseinate, potassium zeinate, emulsifier], Dextrin (corn starch 100%), monosodium L-glutamate (flavor enhancer), red pepper powder, soy sauce powder NM, complex seasoning, onion powder, refined salt, garlic powder, parsley, synthetic flavor (cheese flavor)


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