Kim Chips

Minimum Order Quantity Contact Seller
Product size 19cm x 5cm x 23cm
Weight 40g
Retail Price 1ea 4,500 won
Online Store [Link]

Term of Trade FOB
Unloading location Contact Seller
Order to Delivery Contact Seller
Expiration date 9 months from date of manufacture

Allergic Information Contact Seller
Preservation method Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and consume as soon as possible after opening

Product description - Kimchips originated from 'Kimchi Bugak', which was developed by global Korean food expert chef Shinho Shin, who applied traditional emphasis cooking method to our unique cultural heritage kimchi.
- It is a K-snack that has been carefully made after a long period of verification and preparation to develop Korea's unique kimchi into a snack that anyone in the world can enjoy.
- GIMCHIPS originated from 'Kimchi Bugak', which was developed by global Korean food expert chef Shinho Shin, who applied traditional emphasis cooking method to our unique cultural heritage kimchi.
- It is a K-snack that has been carefully made through a long period of verification and preparation to develop Korea's unique kimchi into a snack that anyone in the world can enjoy.

Raw material Kimchi broth [radish (domestic), red pepper flakes (domestic),
onion, pear juice, glutinous rice grass], rice flour (Korea),
Palm olein oil [from Malaysia], sugar, seasoning liquid, potato starch, lactic acid, herbal extracts / soybean, wheat, milk, shrimp, shellfish (oyster, mussel)


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  • Kim Chips