Organic mimiyu Glutinous Rice Yogurt

Minimum Order Quantity Contact Seller
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Weight 200ml / 1,000ml
Retail Price
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Order to Delivery 7Days
Expiration date 7 days from manufacture

Allergic Information None
Preservation method Store in refrigerator / freezer

Product description Fully vegetable organic yogurt made with organic rice.
Naturally fermented beverage with enzymes

Rice yeast yogurt is rich in beneficial bacteria and dietary fiber including lactobacillus that is helpful for intestinal health. a critical part of our immune system. Also, enzymes from birth are likely to be wasted as digestive enzymes due to irregular diet, excessive meat and processed food consumption common to modern people. Therefore, essential metabolic enzymes involved in metabolism and immunity are insufficient which means deficient enzymes must be supplemented through food. The unheated, fermented rice yeast yogurt is the best option since it contains more than 100 necessary enzymes. It is also rich in 9 types of essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in addition to useful bacteria and enzymes, making it the ideal vegetable food that helps vitalize cells, relieve fatigue, and prevent aging.

Raw material Organic rice koji, organic glutinous rice


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