2021 쌀가공식품산업대전


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 49Companies
  • No. of Booths : 66Booths (General Exhibition : 8Booths, : 2Booths, : 2Booths, : 2Booths, Exhibitors : 52Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 53,305

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 1,706

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 1,216
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 783건
  • KOTRA Meetings : 227건
  • : 173건
  • : 33건

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $50,769,173
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $24,937,000
  • KOTRA Meetings : $10,269,872
  • : $15,562,301
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $18,104,268
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $9,579,640
  • KOTRA Meetings : $2,667,798
  • : $5,856,830


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 52Companies
  • No. of Booths : 66Booths (General Exhibition : 14Booths, Exhibitors : 52Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 42,144

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 2,177
※ Data aggregation of tasting, inquiries and other specific activities of the buyers at the general exhibition hall.

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 1,242
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 1,064 (domestic buyers:825, overseas buyers:239)
  • KOTRA Meetings : 178

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $57,051,445
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $50,442,698
  • KOTRA Meetings : $6,608,747
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $12,479,488
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $7,081,370
  • KOTRA Meetings : $5,398,118
  • ※ Exchange rate 1USD=1,152 won (2021.07.30)

Press Reports

  • Press Reports
  • Total of 122 Articles
  • 103 Press Reports Released (Yeonhap News, NEWSIS, Food Journal, etc.
  • Including 49 Cover Stories for individual participants)
  • 2 Videos Released (No Cut News, YTN)
  • 2 Paper Ads (Food Journal (May Edition), Nongmin Shinmun)
  • 12 Promotional Materials (Institutions, Associations, SNS Channels)
  • Cover Report on Rice Processed Food Industry Magazine (Rice UP Life UP) + 3 Cover Ads Released


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 50Companies
  • No. of Booths : 60Booths (General Exhibition : 10Booths, Exhibitors : 50Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 37,246

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 1,999
※ Data aggregation of tasting, inquiries and other specific activities of the buyers at the general exhibition hall.

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 850
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 821 (domestic buyers:678, overseas buyers:143)
  • KOTRA Meetings : 29

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $23,265,012
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $21,741,802
  • KOTRA Meetings : $1,523,210
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $6,076,301
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $5,641,031
  • KOTRA Meetings : $435,270
  • ※ Exchange rate 1USD=1,152 won (2021.07.30)

Press Reports

  • Press Reports
  • Total of 146 Articles
  • 103 Press Reports Released (TV CHOSUN, NEWSIS, Food Journal, etc.
  • Including 46 Cover Stories for individual participants)
  • 2 Videos Released (MBC News Today, SBS Morning Wide)
  • 2 Paper Ads (Food Journal (June Edition), Nongmin Shinmun (5 Layer Ad)
  • 9 Promotional Materials (Institutions, Associations, SNS Channels)
  • Cover Report on Rice Processed Food Industry Magazine (Rice UP Life UP) + 4 Cover Ads Released


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 40Companies
  • No. of Booths : 54Booths (General Exhibition : 4Booths, Exhibitors : 50Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 12,227

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 1,486
※ Data aggregation of tasting, inquiries and other specific activities of the buyers at the general exhibition hall.

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 443
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 376 (domestic buyers:373, overseas buyers:3)
  • KOTRA Meetings : 67

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $13,127,989
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $11,085,069
  • KOTRA Meetings : $2,042,920
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $3,380,409
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $2,960,069
  • KOTRA Meetings : $420,340
  • ※ Exchange rate 1USD=1,152 won (2021.07.30)

Press Reports

  • Press Reports
  • No. of published articles : Total 84
  • ※ 25 articles on JoongAngIlbo, Asia Today, FoodNews, etc.
  • ※ 49 articles from individual participating companies.
  • ※ KBS live information broadcasting (8.17)
  • ※ Two newspaper(The Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock News, palnews) advertisements.
  • ※ Promote 6 social media channels and associations.
  • ※ two articles and cover advertisements on Rice Processing Industry Magazine (Rice Up Life Up).
Rice Show 2020 was not held due to COVID-19.


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 56Companies
  • No. of Booths : 80Booths (General Exhibition : 12Booths, Exhibitors : 68Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 50,335

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 3,534
※ Data aggregation of tasting, inquiries and other specific activities of the buyers at the general exhibition hall.

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 825
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 712 (domestic buyers:468, overseas buyers:244)
  • KOTRA Meetings : 113

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $33,679,998
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $20,497,457
  • KOTRA Meetings : $13,182,541
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $5,485,449
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $1,370,496
  • KOTRA Meetings : $4,114,953
  • ※ 180.7% increase over goal of discussed amounts ($12,000,000)
  • ※ Exchange rate 1USD=1,188 won (2019.05.24)

Press Reports

  • No. of published articles : Total 310 ( Broadcast 3, Online 103, Viral Ads 203, Ad Platform 1 )
  • ※ YTN, NBS, JoongAngIlbo, Yonhap News, edaily, Biz-Herald, FoodNews, The Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock News, etc.
  • ※ Social Media and Viral Marketing Channels
  • ※ Exhibition Platform Service (cangoroo) – Online banner advertising


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 48Companies
  • No. of Booths : 64Booths (General Exhibition : 8Booths, Exhibitors : 56Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 45,092

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 1,279
※ Data aggregation of tasting, inquiries and other specific activities of the buyers at the general exhibition hall.

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 572
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 431 (domestic buyers:293, overseas buyers:138)
  • KOTRA Meetings : 141

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $40,803,385
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $18,842,912
  • KOTRA Meetings : $21,960,473
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $10,372,545
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $8,275,497
  • KOTRA Meetings : $2,097,048

Press Reports

  • No. of published articles : Total 96 ( Broadcast 4, Online 92, Viral Ads 0, Ad Platform 0 )


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 43Companies
  • No. of Booths : 62Booths (General Exhibition : 0Booths, Exhibitors : 62Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 54,200

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 1,038
※ Data aggregation of tasting, inquiries and other specific activities of the buyers at the general exhibition hall.

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 652
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 554 (domestic buyers:407, overseas buyers:147)
  • KOTRA Meetings : 98

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $8,899,630
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $2,065,590
  • KOTRA Meetings : $6,834,040
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $1,696,225
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $215,833
  • KOTRA Meetings : $1,480,392

Press Reports

  • No. of published articles : Total 75 ( Broadcast 4, Online 71 )
  • 보도자료 배포 및 참가업체별 사전 기획기사 배포


Exhibition Scale

  • No. of Exhibitors : 47Companies
  • No. of Booths : 62Booths (General Exhibition : 0Booths, Exhibitors : 62Booths)

No. of Visitors (Seoul Food Show)

  • Results of the Seoul Food Show : 53,406

No. of Visitors (Rice show Pavilion)

  • A total of : 739
※ Data aggregation of tasting, inquiries and other specific activities of the buyers at the general exhibition hall.

Business Meetings Results

  • No. of Meetings Conducted : 671
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : 625 (domestic buyers:417, overseas buyers:208)
  • KOTRA Meetings : 46

Consultation Amount

  • Total amount discussed in meetings : $7,131,885
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $1,198,885
  • KOTRA Meetings : $5,933,000
  • Total amount of Concluded Deals : $3,052,890
  • RICE SHOW Pavilion : $2,002,890
  • KOTRA Meetings : $1,050,000

Press Reports

  • No. of published articles : Total 81
  • 방송사 2건 (YTN, 이데일리TV)
  • 통신사 20건 (연합뉴스 등)
  • 온라인 신문 59건 (산업일보, 파이낸셜뉴스, 스포츠조선 등)
  • 홍보효과 279,200,000원