Tteokbokki rice cake

Minimum Order Quantity Domestic product: 500kg per production, Exporting product: 1t
Product size 1.5cm x 7cm x 1.5cm
Weight 1kg
Retail Price
Online Store

Term of Trade FOB
Unloading location Incheon, Busan, etc.
Order to Delivery Domestic Product: 2 weeks, Exporting product: 1 month
Expiration date Refrigeration - 1 month from manufacture, Frozen - 12 months from manufacture

Allergic Information This product is manufactured in the same manufacturing facility as dairy products.
Preservation method Store in refrigerator / freezer

Product description Being the most representative product in Korea, Tteokbokki rice cake is the most basic tteokbokki product that can be enjoyed in various ways regardless of gender or age.

Raw material 99% rice, refined salt, jade oil, alcohol


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