The story of rice cake in the sea

Minimum Order Quantity Domestic product: 500kg per production, Exporting product: 1t
Product size 1.5cm x 2cm x 1.5cm
Weight 1kg
Retail Price
Online Store

Term of Trade FOB
Unloading location Incheon, Busan, etc.
Order to Delivery Domestic Product: 2 weeks, Exporting product: 1 month
Expiration date Refrigeration - 1 month from manufacture, Frozen - 12 months from manufacture

Allergic Information This product is manufactured in the same manufacturing facility as dairy products.
Preservation method Store in refrigerator / freezer

Product description The story of rice cake in the sea is a tteokbokki that recreates various creatures in the sea. With the shape of squid, shark, whale, and starfish, it is fun and delicious to eat.

Raw material 99% rice, refined salt, jade oil, spirit


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