Organic Rice koji Fermented Salt

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Weight 300ml / 500ml
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Expiration date 6 months from manufacture

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Preservation method Store in refrigerator

Product description Healthy low sodium rice koji fermented salt
Our salt fermented with organic rice koji, sea salt and purified water, magically adds flavor to your dishes.

Food made with rice yeast salt turns into surprisingly delicious food with the power of more than 100 enzymes in rice yeast. Fermented condiments contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, especially those you need to daily intake, as a result of nuro bacillus at work. This plays a crucial role in producing the body's energy source. The yeast's peptite component contains immune enhancements, preventing cancer and the recurrence of it. In addition, it helps revitalize cells and is the low-calorie/low-salt seasoning for fatigue recovery so patients with diabetes and blood pressure can easily enjoy. Above all, the hydrolysis effect of protein, lipids, and carbohydrates is excellent owing to microbial yeast. When seasoned with rice yeast salt, the fish smells less fishy while the meat becomes softer with supple texture and no hardening when cooled.

Raw material Organic rice koji, sea salt


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