Five Grains Nurungji for boiling

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Product size 13.5cm x 7.5cm x 22cm
Weight 220g
Retail Price 1ea 3,000 KRW
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Expiration date 12 months from manufacture

Allergic Information It is manufactured in same condition as products containing wheat and buckwheat.
Preservation method At room temperature

Product description Enjoy nutritious and convenient nurungji-tang as a healthy meal in your busy daily life. It is also a diet product well-matched with salad and yogurt. It is made with freshly cooked rice of 5 grains (white rice, brown rice, foxtail millet, barley, glutinous rice), baked every morning. Our five grains nurungji is different from other machine-made products that are mass produced in terms of its crispiness and longer storage period. By heating up and down and pressing the freshly cooked rice, it has low water contents with distinctive crispiness. It does not go moldy even after long storage and has less smell of water. Also, we use aluminum deposited polyethylene for its package for the first in existing products to improve the quality.

Raw material Rice(Korea)92%, glutinous rice(Korea)2%, foxtail millet(Korea)2%, brown rice(Korea)2%, barley(Korea)2%

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