Rice Pop Simkung(Pumpkin, Onion, Shiitake)

Minimum Order Quantity -
Product size 16cm x 25cm
Weight 55g
Retail Price 3,200 KRW
Online Store [Link]

Term of Trade -
Unloading location -
Order to Delivery -
Expiration date 12 months from manufacture

Allergic Information -
Preservation method At room temperature

Product description The reason why Rice Pop Simkung is great for our child.

Healthy snacks for our children from nature!
Take care of your child's nutrition with the right food you can trust!

- 100% Korean rice!
- No artificial additives!
- Made for a delicious, healthy snack with xylitol!
- It doesn't stick to your hands, so it's easy to clean up!
- Yummy non-fried snack!
- Stevia, which is less absorbed to your body, is included so you can enjoy it without worrying about sugar!

Raw material Rice powder (Korea)


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