jaljal rice chip

Minimum Order Quantity -
Product size Diameter 60mm Round 80mm Round zipper stand pack 60g-150mm*220mm 180g zipper stand-195mm*285mm
Weight 60g/180g
Retail Price 60g 2,300 KRW / 180g 6,500 KRW
Online Store

Term of Trade -
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Expiration date Best for 12 months after manufacture

Allergic Information -
Preservation method Room temperature

Product description The characteristic of Jaljalmi chip is the thickness of grain rice chips (1mm), as they are thin and diverse in flavors with seafood. If you use ice cream, jam, and seasoning, you have a wide range of choices from children to the elderly for either snacks or alcohol.

Raw material Korean rice, grains, konjac, whole anchovies, squid

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