Yaksik Nurungji

Minimum Order Quantity 960pack
Product size 14cm*22cm*5cm
Weight 18g*10pcs(per a pack)
Retail Price 10 pcs- 12,000 KRW
Online Store [Link]

Term of Trade FOB
Unloading location Busan, Incheon
Order to Delivery Depends on order quantity (150 packs per day)
Expiration date Best for 12 months after manufacture

Allergic Information None
Preservation method Room temperature (storage in a cool place avoiding direct sunlight, eat as soon as possible after opening)

Product description After mixing domestic glutinous rice and non-glutinous rice, brown sugar, soy sauce, jujube, cinnamon, etc. are added to make medicinal rice. It is then placed between high-temperature iron plates after which it is pressed thinly to give a crispy snack-type nurungji.
It has a sweet taste that can be created with the conventional recipe, but by reshaping the top of the cooked rice at high temperature, it enhances the taste of the sugar contained in the rice along with brown sugar and caramelizes it to create a deep color.

Raw material Glutinous rice(Korean), non-glutinous rice(Korean), Jujube(Korean), honey(Korean)


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