I am black barley nulungji

Minimum Order Quantity -
Product size 24cm x 34cm x 11cm
Weight 1kg
Retail Price 1ea 10,900 KRW
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Term of Trade -
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Order to Delivery -
Expiration date Best for 12 months after manufacture

Allergic Information -
Preservation method Room temperature

Product description Authentic Nurungji made with rice only without synthetic additives using Rice Zone's 4-step-roasting method.
The 4-stage themral shock of cooked rice makes the flavor and texture of Nurungji richer.
You can enjoy it either as a light snack/ nurungji tea or boil it using the recipe as a substitute for a meal.

Raw material Non-glutinous rice, black barley

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  • I am black barley nulungji
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