Seolgi's Sweet Green Pumpkin Rice Cake

Minimum Order Quantity -
Product size 23*30cm(Package),1 BOX 10 packages, 70~75 pieces in each package
Weight 1Kg
Retail Price 1ea 3,200 KRW / 1Box x 10ea 32,000 KRW
Online Store [Link]

Term of Trade -
Unloading location Busan
Order to Delivery -
Expiration date Best for 12 months after manufacture

Allergic Information -
Preservation method Frozen below -18 degrees

Product description A sweet pumpkin rice cake colored with natural dyes. It offers a unique chewy texture of rice cakes with sweet pumpkin paste. Men and women can enjoy it deliciously, and it's even better if you put it in ttoekbokki or bake it and eat it right away.

Raw material Rice, Sweet Green Pumpkin


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