Sweet riceball - Black sesame

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Product size 18cm x 23cm x 4cm
Weight 50g
Retail Price
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Expiration date 12 months from manufacture

Allergic Information Contains soybean
Preservation method Room temperature

Product description Using only 100% Korean glutinous rice, it naturally puffs after 7 days of fermentation and maturation, so it melts in mouth with soft texture and chewy taste! Instead of frying in oil, it is baked in 3-staged oven on bamboo charcoal for light and healthy taste! Sweet riceball - Black sesame is savory and sweet with black sesame and adults and kids can enjoy its one-bite size!

Raw material Glutinous rice, low sugar, gwichi, grain syrup, black rice powder, black sesame paste, black sesame, black fried rice, black rice, powdered soy sauce, fine sugar, refined salt


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