Sausage-Filled Rice Cake

Minimum Order Quantity Contact Seller
Product size 800g: per skewer 80g x 10ea, 1box 1packs,28cm x 31cm(pack) 1.2kg: per skewer 120g x 10ea, 1box 8packs, 28cm x 31cm(pack) 1.6kg: per skewer 160g x 10ea, 1box 6packs, 30cm x 40cm(pack)
Weight 800g, 1.2kg, 1.6kg
Retail Price
Online Store

Term of Trade Contact Seller
Unloading location Busan
Order to Delivery Contact Seller
Expiration date 6 months from manufacture

Allergic Information Pork, chicken, beef, wheat, soybean, egg, milk
Preservation method Store in freezer under -18 Degree Celsius

Product description Sausage and rice cake sticked in a bamboo skewer. Enjoy rice cake and sausage together which is perfect product for everyone regardless of age and gender and is even better when grilled or fried and coated with sauce.

Raw material Rice, sausage

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